Friday, January 8, 2010

week of January 11

Welcome back! I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday! Upon their return, the 8th graders have watched videos and taken part in discussions regarding important events that occurred in the 1960's. They also received information regarding the debates that will take place on January 20-22. Today everyone found out what role they have in the debate and what topic their debate covers. It would be a great idea for everyone to take time this weekend to familiarize themselves with the topic they were assigned to. Below is listed an overview of the 1960's unit.

Monday, 1/4
- 1960’s Overview video and study guide providing background information.

Tuesday, 1/5
- That Memorable Year 1963 video and study guide providing background information.

Wednesday, 1/6
- That Memorable Year 1968 video and study guide providing background information.

Thursday, 1/7
-1960’s role-playing debates explained in detail. (This is an individual project. NO GROUP PREPARATION IS NEEDED) Preference of roles and topics submitted.

Friday, 1/8
- Topics and roles for role-playing debates assigned. Explanation sheets for assigned roles and rubrics are distributed. Independent research may begin.

Monday, 1/11
-To IMC for Miss Hagensee's explanation of debate research resources available at home and at school.

Tuesday, 1/12 through Friday 1/15
- Student research during one class period per day in the IMC. Resources available to students include computers, vertical file, books on reserve, search engines, and over 100 printouts on each topic supplied by each L.A. and reading teacher.

Monday, 1/18

Tuesday, 1/19
- Explanation of bibliography format. Class time for final role-playing debate preparation and making of bibliographies.

Wednesday, 1/20 through Friday, 1/22
– Role playing debates performed!!!!!!!!!!!
***Every student is responsible for his/her research on both sides of the topic assigned. A bibliography with a minimum of 5 sources is required of every student.
***Every student should have a minimum of 50 note cards of borrowed information. The format used for note cards will be the same format required by Mr. Safranski in social studies class earlier in the year.
***This project is worth 100 points towards your L.A. grade, and 100 points towards your reading grade.
***At the beginning of each debate, reporters are required to turn in AT LEAST 6 questions and possible answers (in final draft form) for each character in their debate.

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