Friday, September 14, 2012

week of 9/17

Math (period 3)
We finished Chapter 1 of the mathematics Course 3 textbook.  Next week we will move to Chapter 2 which covers integers and one step equations.  There will not be any quizzes or tests this week.

Monday - practice pages 2-3 and 2-4 evens
Tuesday - practice page 2-5
Wednesday - worksheet
Thursday - Iron's Oaks field trip
Friday - worksheet A

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Welcome Back!

Welcome back!  I hope you had a fun yet relaxing summer!

RtI Math:  We have already begun our weekly bench marking tests.  Students take the MCOMP (math computation) and MCAP (math application) twice per month.  They have made a folder to keep and record their results of their tests.  Over time our goal is to see their scores each week increase.  Individual goals have been made for each student.  Twice a week we will also review basic math facts as well as basic math concepts that are covered as a "Daily Board Question."  Folders for these have also been made so students  can record thier progress. 

Instructional Math (2nd period):
We have begun the year using the Mathematics Course 3 book.  We have reviewed order of operations, variable & expressions, and powers & exponents.  A quiz on this material will be on Friday, September 6.  Next week we will review perimeter and area then begin Chapter 2 which covers Integers. Below is a copy of my parent letter which explains the procedures of my math class.

I am very excited to kick off the 2012-2013 school year!  This is my thirteenth year teaching at Lakeview.  I have outlined some useful information below about the instructional math program and the expectations in my class.  Please review the information and contact me with any further questions or concerns you may have.

The instructional math class offers many benefits to your child.  The small group allows more individual attention and allows more time to focus and strengthen the needs they have.  With the small group I have the flexibility to spend the time needed for the class to understand a concept.

Homework will be assigned daily.  Homework assigned for completion is worth 3 points.  The assignment needs to be entirely completed when class begins in order to earn the points.  Assignments can be handed in late and are worth 2 points.  They must be handed in by the unit/chapter test or they will be a zero.  Your child will know ahead of time when as assignment will be graded.  The point value for these assignments vary from 10-20 points.  Again they can be handed in late but 30% will be taken off their grade.

Two to three quizzes will be given per unit/chapter.  Quiz values range from 10 – 30 points.  Tests will be given at the end of each unit/chapter and when I feel that they have mastered the skills needed to do well on the test.  We will always review the day before any test.  Corrections for any quiz or test that results in a “D” or “F” are due the day after it is returned.  Corrections must be done on a separate sheet of paper and stapled to the original quiz or test.

Grading Policy:
Grades will be determined by number of points earned in the class based on the following categories:
                        Extra credit
Grading scale:
91.5-100    A               81.5-87.4   B       71.5-77.4   C                       61.5-67.4   D
89.5-91.4  A-               79.5-81.4   B-          69.5-71.4    C-           59.5-61.4    D-
87.5-89.4  B+              77.5-79.4  C+      67.5-69.4   D+         <59.5          F

Materials Needed Daily:
-1 subject notebook
-Assignment notebook
- pencils
-correcting pens


Mrs. Lisa Schuyler

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

week of April 2

Welcome Back! I hope everyone enjoyed the week off and the beautiful weather. In instructional math we finished area of quadrilaterals and circles and are now focusing on circumference of a circle. Next week we will work on "volume." For the remainder of the year our major focus will be Geometry and solving equations. In addition, we will always be reviewing concepts learned through out the year.

In RtI reading, we are continuing to work from the Bridges of Literature book and supplementary materials. All materials focus on strengthening the basic concepts of reading comprehension while improving reading fluency.

Friday, March 2, 2012

week of March 5th

Reminder that there is no school on Monday, March 5 and Friday, March 9. ISAT testing will be held on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday morning. Seventh graders will continue with an extra day of testing on Monday, March 12. All students need to come to school with sharpened pencils, a calculator, and a silent reading book (in case they finish early). Also a good night sleep and a healthy breakfast is a must!!!

Parent teacher conferences are Thursday, March 8 from 5:00 - 8:00 p.m.

Friday, January 20, 2012

week of January 23, 2012

Third and Fourth period reading RtI is finishing up with the "Rewards" program we began at the beginning of the trimester. Within the last six weeks the students have learned many new strategies to improve their reading fluency, which in return, improves reading comprehension. Every week students have taken fluency tests and every week scores have improved. After the last lesson, we will return to work from the Inside as well as the Bridges to Literature series and apply the new strategies they have learned.

In second period Math, we have finished Chapter 5 of the Mathematics Course 2 book. This Chap included working with integers. Beginning on Monday, we will start our unit on fractions.