Monday, November 26, 2007

Toy Drive

This week, November 26-30, Lakeview will be collecting toys for children in DuPage county. Please bring in a small gift or two to. It well put a smile on the face of a child less fortunate. We ask that all gifts be unwrapped. Thanks for your generosity!!!!

Monday, November 19, 2007

The Pony races are tomorrow! All students have been encourage to wear their team color. Please encourage them as well. My homebase color is green!!! One teacher will be representing a color for the race and the color that wins will receive a delicious breakfast! Go Green!!!

Friday, November 2, 2007

Miss Lepley's class will be finishing reading The Outsiders next week. The final test will be Friday, November 9. As the whole, the students have really been excited to read this popular novel. After they take the test, we will watch the movie which I'm sure they will enjoy!!

Mr. Safranski's students are beginning the "Political Party" project. You should be seeing your child researching diligently!!!

A special thanks to all the parents who came to conferences last night. It was nice to see all of you and touch base on your child's progress!